Aycad Indus
Aycad Soft
Panorama (Codra) development
Taylor-made development
Aycad Electronic
CMC 12A/25
CMC 18/35A
MEM-04 B
MLB 01
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Aycad Indus
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Panorama (Codra) development
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CMC 12A/25
CMC 18/35A
MEM-04 B
MLB 01
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CMC 12A/25
Standard Multibus I
Microprocessor 16 bits 8088 at 5, 8 and 10 MHz
Socket provided giving the possibility of directly mounting the 8087 mathematical coprocessor (avoids the SBC 337A module)
Works as a master in a multi-master environment
Memory: up to 256 KB RAM + 8 universal 28-pin sockets allowing up to 1 MB ROM
Total memory addressing capacity on the bus: 16MB (via P2)
Two RS 232 C serial links (USART), one of which can be converted to an RS 485
24 parallel I/O lines (PPI)
An 8-bit register used to manage the internal signals of the card
Three 16-bit programmable counters (Timer)
Interrupt management circuit supporting the mode "vectorisation by the bus"
Two standard SBX connectors
Watchdog monitoring circuit for correct program progress with automatic reset
Address field and output connectors compatible with the SBC 88/25 card
Power consumption : +5V @ 900mA; +12V @ 80mA; -12V @ 50mA